Sunday, 15 February 2009


... your wallet......

My wallet is famous for being left behind when I went to Egypt in December!!
A leather one that is now very well used and in need of retirement. But it's doing it's purpose so it stays for now.
Inside is to less money, a deck of platsic cards and some "good to have"...
And for some reason I lost it at the petrolstation today buying food. I thought I left it at the hotel and rushed back. Couldn't find it in my room, got back to the petrol station and there it was - I had put it on the counter...

...your dream car....... good looking, safe, cheap, great and fun to drive and fuel efficient!!

...your toothbrush......

I have a few. One in the bathroom back home, a whie and green Colgate, one in each bag used for all travels. So in the bag on this trip is a white, also a Colgate that I got on a business class flight!! =)

... the jewellery worn daily......

Well, as most people know, I'm not a jewellery person... but for the momnet I'm wearing a silver chain with a "Key of life" in silver. Bought that key in Egypt during the trip there at Christmas.

... your pillow Case......

Hmmm.... here at my hotel room in Helsingborg it is as in most hotels white striped in white! on both pillows...
Back hom I have my favorite - white bottom filled with big black ants!! Bought it at IKEA on the childrens department.

... your eyes.......

Yes, the normal standard two! Blue!
The left one is working far better then the right one - but none of them is working 100%... Using glasses! I could really do with a pair of new ones...

...the room you are in at the moment......

The presten room is room 104 at my hotel. I've got light colored walls, wodden floor, two beds, two arm chairs with a small little table, a desk with chair, a TV and a very white bathroom....

... your cologne/Perfume........

I enjoy me Green Tea by Elisabeth Arden.

... what Cd is in your stereo.....

Don't have a stereo here. Back home I have no CD in my stereo but in the car I have "The Ark"....

...your piercings.......

Nope noone here! Tried earrings as a little girl - but since the hole in the one ear doesn't want to stay in place - a took them off and never used any since then!

... what you're wearing........

Blue t-shirt saying "SWE" (patriotic right) a very confy but not to beautiful pair of pyjamas pants. Gray with small blue, green and pink owls - night owls - and even smaller white moons and stars... bare feet

... what you want........

When? Where? What?
I guess there is lots... differnet depending on the occation!
For example - loads of holidays, free flight tickets for a life time.... a job and a life in my favorite place on earth - CT!!

... what your blog title mean.......

Well it is very easy - it's me - blogging....

...the last thing you ate.......

Mashed potatoes and sausage with some ketchup and mustard from the petrol station.

... something you are afraid of.......

To have my passport taken away from me. Means no more travelling!?!? Shouldn't survive!!

Tuesday, 03 February 2009

Winter Poem

I received this beautiful winter poem from a friend
and thought it might be a comfort to you. 
It was to me.
It's very well written.

A poem by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre...

"SHIT, It's Cold!!!"

The End

Wahlen goes blogging....