Sunday, 29 March 2009

Summer time....

Today is one of two strange days we have in a year. The day when it is time to "move" the time. From the very dark winter we are heading into the lighter spring. To help the light a bit we drop an hour and suddenly we have swindled ourselfs that it is much lighter.
When the winter comes we move the time back an hour for the same reason - to get more light! Why not move the time half an hour and keep it that way?? Or decide what time to keep. I think it is rather crazy to move it around like that.
I guess they who worked last night thought it was great - they had to work for an hour less.

well, not much I can do about it. So I did move my clocks already befor I went to bed. It is better to wake up and know what time it actually is..

So in a way I lost an hour today (not only me.. all of us). That is so typical a day like this... when I have lots to do... But I desided to work harder instead!! =)
I'm a bit tired now - I wonder if it's jetlag!??!

Saturday, 14 March 2009


It's been a while, I know... I'm sorry! But time is something I don't have enough of right now. Work is taking most of my time. For a while I have spent every second week at my "normal" office and every second week at our plant in the south. Lots of packing and lots of traveilling, but also lots of experience of all kind. =)
I'm working on a BIG BIG project right now. It's a great project, but it is also very hard work. Lots of hours! Evenings and weekends aswell... I really hope I will do a good enough job so it pays of in the end! A good deal for the company is what we are working on!

A few days ago I couldn´t see the light in the tunnel. All I could see was the deadline coming closer and closer... Today, after a few hours spent at the office I can see a gleam of light but the deadline is getting closer even faster... Guess I need to spend lots and lots of hours at work the comming week as well....

But hey... I don't mind that much. Some days are harder, but then I think about what I wish to do with all the extra time I do... and then it is easy to do another hour!

Right now it's rather easy to sum up my life. I can use one word: WORK!

Well, it is lighter and the snow is slowly leaving us (even if we got some more last week) and hopefully we can smell the spring any day now! Great! Looking forward to some light and some sun!

OK, I'll be back when I have time to do something to tell you all about! =)

Wahlen goes blogging....