Today I decided to start spring... Most of the snow is gone and the roads are free from ice - meaning it's time to get the bike out of its winter storage. That is bike as in bicycle.
Yesterday morning I woke up and I heard the birds singing outside my window. Today I woke up and I heard the rain... Not until late afternoon the rain decided to stop. That's when I started spring, at aobut 4.00 pm today, the 3rd April.
After I moved into my castle a year ago I don't have a parking for my car. I have to park on the street (and pay for it too). Due to our snowy winters we have to park on one side of the road each day - changing every day... If I keep my car here not only do I have to pay for it I have to move it every day too. So I took a drive and parked it where it can have a safe and good rest after a long winters hard work. I took a walk back home to get my bike out of the storage where it spent the long cold winter and out in the fresh air.
On the way back I walked through the big city park and I had to smile when I saw the tiny greens comming up of the ground... in a few days with good weather there will be spring flowers all over!! Lovely - it means there is still hope for the winter to go away for this time...
So from tomorrow morning it's me and my bike going to work!
From now on I will spend a lot of time on bikes... Outside my "city racer" and inside on a Keiser spinbike!!
And I must say I'm really looking forward to it...
I've missed my bike this winter!
I've missed my bike this winter!

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