03.50 AM
alarm goes off. Time to get read for a trip to Copenhagen.
04.25 AM
leaving home. Walking through an empty quiet town center. It’s the paperboy and me.
04.48 AM
the train leaves – on time… Heading for the airport.
05.57 AM
arriving at the airport.
Since I checked in online I walk straight to security. Today I’m flying “upper class” and can take the “Fast Track”. Not so fast this morning though… A line of first time flyers… or just people making easy things like taking your laptop out of the bag, very complicated.
07.10 AM
Take Off… The airline that likes to tell that they are “The most punctual airline in Europe” leaves on time.
Since it is an early morning flight and I’m “upper class” I’m beeing served breakfast – with warm rolls and everything… Yum!
I take the opportunity to work a little on the way while sipping another cup of tea.
08.20 AM
Touch Down! 5 minutes ahead of schedule – as “The most punctual airline in Europe” really like to point out…
BUT – this is now when it all starts…
Someone took our gate… We have nowhere to park! The flight that was 5 minutes ahead of time is now suddenly late!
Well, it wasn’t too bad. It took a few extra minutes but then we found parking and everyone was happily in Copenhagen!
I found the guy I was going to spend the day with. He left the same airport as me just a few minutes before. Different airline – different price! We belong to different companies! =)
We went to fetch our rental car, a small Japanese, and hit the roads of Denmark. Since we got into a bit of trouble already yesterday late afternoon when we realized the material we were about to make a trial with today hadn’t arrived we stopped for coffee on the way to see if we could get info from the people back home spending the morning trying to trace the parcel!
While having a snack we got the phone call – the material was now found and delivered. Yay!
10.30 AM
We arrived at the place where the trials should take place and started… This is now a big part of this day that I’d rather erase from my life… but since I can’t I have to live with the fact that it just didn’t work!! I can’t get into details and I don’t think you would enjoy that either. Let us just stop with saying it didn’t work very well… what I have spend hours and hours on without having a very important fact that now showed and kind of made the whole thing unusable!
We got it packed up with a little help from a lot of tape and sent them of to me to adjust! Not really the way I hoped for when I woke up very early this morning.
But ok, project number 2 was a little bit better then the first one and I think we can live with that one.
13.10 PM
we were done. Not much more we could do. Time to hit the road and get back to the airport.
Got the little Japanese filled up and returned before we got to our different terminals just to meet up again on the inside.
Had lunch and were suppose to talk business but got into talking travelling and holidays instead. Which was much more interesting at the time.
16.30 PM
It’s time to split up and take our different flights at the same time to the same airport. My flight is at 17.10.
16.39 PM
On my way to the gate (B9) when I receive a text message telling me the flight is delayed until 17.20. Only 10 minutes… but if it’s something I’ve learnt from flying frequently is that if they say 10 minutes it never stops there.
We were told to change gate to B7, because they were changing out aircraft.
17.09 PM
A new text message saying we will now take off at 17.50. AND we have to change gate to B5. They are bringing another aircraft. This is now number three in less then half an hour. The aircraft is on the way from the hangar.
18.00 PM
We are finally in the air. Once again the privilege of flying “Upper Class” is shown. We are being served a small cold meal. I get my box and open it. It’s a small potato salad and some roast beef, together with some bread. But hey, where’s my butter?? And I’ve flown enough to know that in that box is also a small little chocolate. Since I’m having a lot to do with chocolate at work I find it interesting to see what kind of chocolate is in the box this time. And guess what – there is NO chocolate in my box! I’m looking around and the people around me have a piece of chocolate in theirs.
So, how come that out of all the people on that plane receiving a “small cold meal corrugated box” I have to be the one getting one without the chocolate?? (and butter)
No question about it, when that drink trolley passes I ask for a bottle of red wine!! I actually should have taken two!
19.00 PM
I’m back on the ground. I have now missed my train by 12 minutes.
Going to the train station to see what options I have. I have to by a new ticket of course and the next train leaves at 19.37. Not too bad. I will be home at a quarter to nine. That’s ok.
19.37 PM
Onboard the train and it starts to move.
I’m sitting there watching the landscape passing by, at first very slow and I do get a bit frustrated and is wondering why they are going so slowly. But after the first stop they pick up the speed a bit.
While sitting there I go through my day (and the day of yesterday that was really a “kak” day too) and wonder why this is happening… I remember checking the time at 20.34 and thinking it’s great that our days now are so much longer. Outside the window is a beautiful sunset. I make myself smile a little while watching it thinking that it was “one of these days” but in ten minutes we’re home and it’s all over.
20.42 PM
They announce that in a few minutes we’ve reached our destination and it’s time to prepare for getting of the train.
20.43 PM
The train suddenly stops.
After a few minutes they announce that it is something wrong with the signals going in to the station so we have to wait for further information from the traffic planners office.
The minutes passes by and round about 21.15 they say that the preliminary time they’ve got is 22.00…. not before anyway!
At this time I’m preparing myself to stay the night on the train.
Just after 22.00 they say that the new time is “maybe” 22.30… but then suddenly we start to move…
22.15 PM
We arrive! 1 hour 30 minutes late!
22.30 PM
I’m finally back home! 18 hours after I left!
Twas a loooong day! A day that I don’t want too many off. But I have to see it from the bright side – I have filled my life’s memory bag with a few more experiences.