How many of you start a "new life" every second Monday?
Whether it is going to the gym, losing weight, watering pot plants or recycleling - the following Monday will always be the perfect day to start? Why is that? Is it so that we can use the weekend to not do whatever it is we are starting on Monday...
Do we use the weekend as some kind of excuse to do it all before it's "too late"...
THE Monday comes... We are ready and it feels sooo good!! It's a new person waking up and walking into this new life!! Nothing can change your mind now! You are on a mission!!
What is it that happend then - after a few days... or if we are lucky and doing really well a few weeks!! The determination is fading away and more and more "cheating" occur!
I've been there a few times myself. I often think about what and why. What is the reasons to why we (I) are losing it.
As most of us, I should think, I have a few projects that I've started but have trouble to keep, or even to finish. For the moment I have a few!
The thing is I have the desire to succeed, but for some reason I lack motivation and character. My mind constantly tells me what I should do to accomplish what I've started and wish for but for some reason the little devil sitting on my shoulder tells me differently and it is so easy to follow his orders...
"Ok, I a bad day today - I start again tomorrow!!" How many times a week are you allowed to say that! "I can bunk gym today and do another session later in the week!"
NO you can't!! Cos you never will!!!
"I know how to do - I'm just not doing it!!" heard that before??
Either you have to force yourself and be tough, or you just have to give up and realize you failed! Guess what is easier! But what feel better?
I've been told that you can never accomplish something big and life changing if you can't answer the question "WHY?" And the answer can't be - cos I want to?!
You need to really answer the question Why? to reach your goal!

Another thing is to never start on a Monday... Why not try a Thursday or a Sunday?! Why always a Monday?!
I think most of you can remember the last time you thought you have to or need to make a change in life - and it didn't really turn out the way you planned!?

So let's start our new life!! Why not tomorrow... on a Wednesday!?
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