Friday, 11 April 2008

Signs of Spring!?

Picture from

För nästan två veckor sedan kom jag hem efter min härliga tripp till Kapstaden. Ett underbart avbrott i vardagen. Sol, värme, god mat och dryck och en hel massa upplevelser var precis vad jag behövde för att komma ur dvalan jag hamnat i under den mörka vintern.
Jag var borta hela mars och hoppades så klart att efter den dåliga vinter vi haft att jag skulle mötas av en begynnade vår när jag kom tillbaka. Måste erkänna att jag var ganska nöjd när jag satt i solskenet där nere och hörde att det var snö och kallt hemma.
Men det fick jag för. De första dagarna efter hemkomst regnade det i stort sett konstant!
En och annan solglimt skymtade förbi, men det var mest grått grått grått!! Så förra lördagen kom den, våren! En fantastiskt vacker dag, som jag spenderade i tvättstugan för att ta hand om all resetvätt!! Tänkte att jag tar igen det på söndagen och ger mig ut i friska luften. 
Eller hur!! Söndag morgon och det spöregnar igen!! *suck*
Och vad händer efter det... Jo, då kommer snön!! Hela veckan har vi haft SNÖ!! Först idag är den så gott osm borta och solen gör ett tappert försök att lysa upp våran tillvaro!
Kallt är det fortfarande?!

MEN, ett säkert vårtecken har vi i alla fall fått... GB har släppt sina nyheter i årets glasssortiment! Lakritspuck är tillbaka!! *mums*
Jag är inte mycket för glass, men just Lakritspuck är en favorit som jag kunnat sakna ibland. 
Det var ju ett tag sedan den var i ropet senast - närmare bestämt sedan 1993!! I femton år har den varit borta från våra frysdiskar.
Tittade igenom GBs glasslistor från 70-talet och framåt och det bjöd på mycket minnen!
Minns ni Pommac från 81, Lollipop med tuggummistång från 84 eller min andra favorit Jelly Split från 85?? Visste ni att den första Magnum kom redan 1989 och att det sedan 1992 kommit minst en ny Magnum om året. En del har stannat länge, andra försvunnit direkt. I år finns det inte mindre än sju sorters Magnum i frysdisken!
Så nu hoppas vi på att vårsolen får lysa över oss och värma vår tillvaro lite så att vi kan prova GBs nya och gamla sortiment!!

About two weeks ago I got back from my wonderful trip to Cape Town. A lovely break in my everyday life. Sun, warm weather, great food and drinks and lots of great adventures was just what I needed to get back on track after the long dark winter.
I was gone for almost the whole of Marsch, and of course I hoped the bad winter we've had was gone and that the beginnign of spring should meet me when I got back. I have to admit I was rather happy when I was in the nice sun and I heard it was snowing and cold back home. But that got back to me. The first days after I came home it was raining almost constantly!
Ths sun tried every now and then, but had a hard time to show, it was gray gray gray!! But, last Saturday spring came. It was a beautiful day, which I spent in the laundry room taking care of the laundry from the trip. I planned to go out in the fresh air on Sunday. Well!? Sunday morning and the rain is back!
And what happends after that - well, ths SNOW is back!! We've had snow all week!! Only today it is almost gone. The sun really tries to shine over us, but it is still cold.

But we've got one sign of spring anyway... the icecream company GB has released the news for the season! And my favourite "LakritsPuck" (Liquorice Puck) is back! I'm not very much into icecream, but LakritsPuck is one of my favourites that I missed from time to time. It's now back after it has been gone since 1993! For fifteen years!
On GB's website you can see all the icecreams for every season fron 1967. Had a look at it and it brought back lots of memories. There is a few I would like them to take back again.
Well, now we hope for the sun to come and shine over us to warm us up so that we can try the new ieccreams for the season!!

Sunday, 06 April 2008

Great White and more...

For some reason I never got to continue the stories from my trip to South Africa after the balloon flight. Sorry about that. I will now give you a short summary of my last week in Cape Town.
My last week in Cape Town was filled with great events. The Nedbank National Champs started in Stellenbosch and I was there to see some friends. It was great seeing you all. Sorry I missed a few. I'm also sorry I missed the finals on Friday, but I had no chance to get to Stellenbosch. I was stuck at the TAX Refund office for hours... It was more than me leaving CT that weekend.. However I got to be there twise and I'm very happy for that!
I also got to go to "work" and say goodbye to the people there. 

But, there was one thing I did that last week that was extraordinary!! I went to Gransbaai to meet eye to eye with the Great White! And I did!! A sat in that cage in 11° water for what felt like forever... just waiting! But hey, it was worth all the waiting when that great big shark came straight towards us and swam very close to the corner of the cage where I stood!! What an experience!! I saw lots more shark from upper deck on the boat later! I'm so glad I did that trip!!

On the last Saturday, me and Ali took the four boxes of clothes that me and my colleauges send and went to a shelter in District Six to donate them. It was a great feeling to do this donation to people that really needed the stuff we cleaned out of our closets!! Thank you all!
That same night we went to The Barnyard Theatre and the show Sixty Something. What a great show!! We had a fantastic time. I went to bed 2.45am and got out of bed again to go to the airport at 4.00am. It was time to go home...
There couldn't have been a better way to end my fantastic time in CT.

After a long journey and an almost missed flight in Frankfurt I closed my own door behind me at 2 am Monday morning. 
Five hours later I'm back at work... and everything is back to normal!

Wahlen goes blogging....