Thursday, 02 June 2011

Suddenly it happens,

After months of head over heels of work, long hours, many days, a lot of travelling and a lot of meetings (will not tell you how much because then I'll just have a law-abiding section riders after me), the body and mind said stop. I believe it’s gone well so far, been a bit tired and drained and unfortunately completely cut off from my surroundings, but I guess that unfortunately is what happens in this kind of situation. When this week began, however, my energy was gone. Spent a lovely weekend with good friends and felt really relaxed after that. But that feeling changed - it got bigger and different. I did not work very well and when I woke up on Tuesday morning with a bright red, watery and irritated eyes felt like it was time to slow down.

Since the work situation is like it is the plan was to work much of the weekend - the weekend being a long weekend off for most people due to two public holidays, Thursday and Monday and a “squeezed in Friday” that’s just tells you to take a holiday. One day of holiday gives you five days off. When I got home Tuesday evening, totally drained, with my irritated eye and a juicy my brain, I made a decision. I would not be working this weekend - not even on Friday. Why would I do that? Why should I wear me out like that?

That evening I had two words in my head - run away! I wanted to run away for the weekend. Started to think about where to go. Where could I find some peace of mind and stop thinking about work, get myself going and energize? The idea of ​​total solitude at a neutral site was attractive!

After some aimless surfing on the web, I suddenly sat there with a planned weekend ahead of me. Should I press the button!? Of course I should - and I did. The result: a long weekend in Dubai, a city that has attracted and is now reality a few days.

Right now I’m on the train going to the airport. I’m looking forward to a weekend of sun and warmth, relaxation and just taking care of my own time! So many times my colleague and I have been at the airport recently and each time we’ve said the same thing: "Imagine the day we may come here to go on holiday instead of work!" Sorry O, that day is here for me today!

The only fly in the beaker is my red eye. Turned out to be a corneal ulcer that may, very possibly may have a tendency to inflammation to it. So with me is a crème that I will smear on 4 times a day and drops to be taken every two hours... The doctor dismissed me from all swimming in the ocean and pool, and sauna. Sauna won’t be problem, but to not be able to have a swim when it’s 40 degrees can be a bit tougher. May well try to keep my feet cool ...

Now waiting is the check-in and after that a lunch in peace and quiet at the airport before Qatar Airways takes me to Dubai via Doha. Estimated arrival time is 3:10 Friday morning local time.

Fingers crossed that the hotel will welcome me at the time! At its worst, I guess I'll hang in the lobby a few hours ... It'll be all right when we get that far. Right now I sit back and breathe easy and enjoy a few hours in the air. Hoping for good food and good drink, and perhaps even a good movie.
See you ...


Anonymous said...

Ha det riktigt gott och var rädd om dig och ögat
Kramar i massor från Yby

MissChris said...

enjoy!!! wish i could go there too - shop until you drop!! no drinking though!!

Annika said...

Ha en riktigt härlig långhelg Carina!!!!!

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